Sunday, May 31, 2009

My family good times at Sabino Canyon. It's our favorite Tucson place to hang out.

Tucson Artist Colony booth at Historical Tour

May 9th the Gateway Business Alliance hosted a historical tour of the historic motor hotel strip on Tucson's Miracle Mile/Oracle Rd. The Tucson Artist Colony had a booth. It was a good event. Lots of wonderful and interesting people attended. I manned the booth and was honored to have examples of several of the artists' art work with me. Robert Goldman, Brenda Semanick, Phil Starke and Sarah Weber all sent some of their work with me. I also had painting by some of the students of the colony. I was there really just to smile and meet people - tell them about our colony and what we do. I love events like that. There is that continuous flow of faces and comments and I have fun trying to keep up with it all.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

mi familia

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Tattoos on feet

My favorite body part to tattoo - the foot. And from what I understand I am unique in that predilection. I had lots of fun designing and doing this tattoo this week.