Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jasmine in the air

Today the scent of jasmine pervaded my back patio. Made me just want to lay out there and snooze all day. Of course I didn't do that - but the heavily perfumed air sure was tempting me. I know that this time last year I was way too stressed to appreciate my jasmine vines this much.
The economy and the wear and tear of the day to day grind of running a business had all but burned me out.
Now Greg and I are appreciating the up sides of the slow economy. More time to stop and smell the jasmine means more time at home with family. And now that we tattoo by appointment only from our private courtyard studio we don't have the stresses of balancing the art with the needs of the employees and the vendors and the keeping the doors open the posted is endless and then there's the never stops.
Even though Greg and I are tattooing as much as we ever did. It doesn't seem like a job anymore. It is once again fun and rewarding. We can enjoy the art and the time spent with our customers.
Some of our regular customers have commented to us over the last couple of weeks that we seem somehow different - happier and more relaxed. And they like it better. It's more relaxing for them. There isn't any jasmine planted in the courtyard at work (we'll have to fix that) but the feeling of that scent is there. That seductive lure that compels you to sit with the sun on your face and relax for a few minutes. Can't wait to go tomorrow.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pink Tattoos

I had a blast today tattooing. First I tattooed lips. Of course the lips weren't really pink. They were deep earthy pink. And toned down from there. I'll share that picture when I have a healed one to go with it. Fresh lip pictures can be stunningly bright but it's interesting to see the fresh picture next to the healed picture.
And then I had the pleasure of tattooing a newborn baby girl's footprint on her proud momma's foot. Baby footprints are always a neat and gratifying tattoo to do but today stood out for me because I got to do it in color. It was a lot of fun.

Friday, March 6, 2009

John Farnsworth at Tucson Artist Colony

an intense 2 day workshop
with John Farnsworth
March 22-23, 2009

COST: $240 - limited to 10 participants

LOCATION: Tucson Artist Colony, 2409 N. Castro, Tucson
located in Placita de la Luna at Grant & Castro

INFORMATION & REGISTRATION: Contact Bernita Barfield, 520-455-5953 or e-mail


This class is all about color and mixing whatever color you need by using just the 3 primaries. John Farnsworth ( ) has painted for over 30 years using this system.

You will delight in the freedom and ease that this system brings to your work. Avoid bad color habits. Learn good color habits. Enjoy mixing just the color you need. I will help you to simplify your palette and concentrate on your statement.